Otters Holding Hands

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Week 6 #15--I LIKE IT!

I read several of the articles about web2.0 and Libraries 2.0. I am liking what I hear. It seems that most of the Librarians are in agreement that the library of the past is no longer useful and we must keep up to keep from facing our own demise. The web has changed the course of how information is created, stored, gathered and evaluated and we must come to terms with this a create new ways for information users (EVERYBODY) to be able to hunt effectively. We have to see what our users want and what ways they are looking for it. We must stay on top of technology as our users are so that we can make sure that we dont become archives instead of Libraries. We must make our users comfortable with our systems and methods of communication so they are not discouraged form using our resources and become googlites. However, we really need to look at what the patrons want, not what the library staff wants or we will make ourselves obsolete. I think that this program (ihcpl) will help with that realization across the board.

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